Gelli Valentine's Day Cards - #WOYWW

Hello Friends,

I can't believe it is Wednesday again and time to go spy on people's desks all around the world! I really love to see what people are up to. I guess I am a bit nosey that way. If you are too then check out Stamping Ground and there will be links to tons of places to snoop!

So today my desk is full of love! Yes friends I am making Valentine's cards using some prints I made with my Gelli Arts plate. If you have been reading my blog for awhile you know I LOVE this tool. It makes quick and easy monoprints (just as it sounds....a one off print never to be duplicated again) using acrylic paints and whatever paper or fabric you like. The process is a combination of surprise and mess and warm fuzzies. Just nothing else like it!

About Valentines Day. Another thing I love. Sure, I am not a mooney, starry eyed teenager in a big romantic love with some stud muffin...been there done that. But I don't think the day has to be about that. It is about LOVE! I love and appreciate all sorts of people and I let them know it on this day. Because in this world of more and more isolation...believe me people need to know! I love all of you who read my blog and if I could I would send each and every one of you a Gelli print Valentine! WITH chocolate! :)

So here is my mess of a desk....

As you can see I was in the process of finishing up some cards when I took the photo late last night. I did actually finish the last couple this morning before I wrote this post. Here they are :)

All seven cards were made using two 8 1/2" X 11" pieces of gelli printed cardstock which I cut up. I used pinks, purples and bright red acrylic paints. I used some heart stamps directly onto the plate make heart impressions. I also used the 'clean up' piece of paper for some of the top pieces.

I mounted the pieces on colored cardstock. I added some extra stamped pieces over the top..using the same colors of paint. I applied the paint to the stamps with a cosmetic sponge. (Be sure to clean paint off right away unless you want to be picking it off with a toothpick after it is dry)

On some I added some shiny dimensional stuff or some glitter.

On others I added a little sheer piece of ribbon.

Sometimes I did a little highlight with my white gel pen.

And I added the words 'love you'  because I do!

I hope you enjoyed seeing this simple project. Not everything you make has to be a masterpiece in order to make an impact on others lives :) Now shoo shoo..go make something pretty!
<3 Shel


  1. So this is the second post I've seen on the brilliant idea of getting out the gelli plate and making Valentines. Love it! I was needing to do some gelli painting, but hadn't even thought of that. Your cards have turned out to be so pretty. Such great results. And I think gelli painting is therapeutic in a way. Love it! Thanks for visiting me. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #59

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sandy :) Yes, get out that plate and go to town!

  2. Gelli plate Valentines... Faaabulous idea and FABULOUS cards! TFS Lynne #74

  3. Squee! You are a gal after my own heart. I have always loved Valentine's Day and never thought it was about romance and gak, but it is about love! Loving yourself, loving others, loving your kitties, loving life, loving the fact that love exists. I don't know about you but VD is my first experience with card making and sending and receiving cards... all the way back in Kindergarten. Thanks for sharing your lovely VD cards. They are all wonderful. The sheer bow over the torn edged piece really gave me inspiration. I'm not into mess so gelli plates don't appeal to me but I know they are a fun toy with lots of potential and enjoy seeing what others do with them.

  4. Love-ly cards! I don't have gelli plates, but it does look like fun to play.
    Thanks for your visit and kind comments. Happy WOYWW

    1. clever girl. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hi Shel, awesome cards! Thank you so much for the comment- I must admit I am expecting the Chemo to be a bit unpleasant, but in light of what you say, I'm getting a bit more hopeful! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #17 xx

    1. Thanks for popping by Shaz. I truely believe you will be ok!

  6. Your Valentines are gorgeous! I The color combination is just perfect.

    Thanks for your visit to my blog and for the lovely comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #26

  7. Really pretty cards.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW

  8. Shel, your Valentine cards are just gorgeous... I adore the colour, and the unique randomness of each background, and all those scrumptious hearts! I've got to try and apply myself to making a card for my hubby but I feel so exhausted at the moment and my mojo is nowhere to be seen...

    Thank you for such a lovely comment - so encouraging. Having been through this with your hubby, you know. I know mine will cope, but I just wish there could be a bit of let-up for him, the poor dear, he's been rushed off his feet with both Mum and me for too many months.

    It all takes such a long time to get through, as well, and I don't relish that. Still, it's got to be step by step, and not let my thoughts run too far ahead, I think. It's pretty scary though.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #44

    1. Thanks for coming by Shoshi. I know what you mean about being exhausted. It is ok to rest and recover from dealing with all this. Your hubby will be first I was so overwhelmed with fear and depression..but when you get to the point of actually DOING something about it..going to treatments..making the foods he wants...buying the comfy pants he needs for the hospital...I felt much better then. And take a note from my Patrick..he calls it 'the inconveinent year' lol

  9. Beautiful valentines, and I agree with you about it not having to be a romantic time, all the time.
    Thanks for the visit. RE: your comment: I use the baby wipes to remove some of the chalk to get the Ombre look.

    1. Thanks for the return visit Krisha. I will have to try using some baby wipes that way. I have not played with my chalk set for many techniques to try! lol

  10. Yay for the Gelli parties! Your Valentines are wonderful; I'm going to make my Valentine backgrounds here in a little while, wouldn't it have been fun to have our printing parties together?

    Thank you for the visit!
    #68 today with

    1. Oh Trisha that would be so fun. A big table covered with gelli plates, paints and paper. I could see some great things happening :)

  11. wonderful heartfelt mess!
    You don't actually buy stuff at CHA- it is a trade show for buyers, and you get lots of samples and such.
    Robyn 5

    1. Thanks Robyn :) Oh then I guess I would really love

  12. I love Gelli prints and yours are breathtaking! The colours are great.
    Thank you for your earlier visit.
    Gabriele 36

  13. Love my Gelli Plates hubby gave me the two smaller ones for this Christmas. I use them for everything. I love to make envelopes out of them. They are a fa

    1. Another Gelli lover!!! Are they not just the most awesome???

  14. Ooh, gorgeous papers you've made - love those colours and such a lovely idea to share cards with all the people you love. Thanks for stopping by my desk earlier, and I hope you have a great week,
    Diana #39

  15. Beautiful layering. I love the colour combinations too. x

  16. Mess? I would love that kind of colourful mess on my desk lol! These cards are gorgeous Shel. Thanks for visiting my desk.

    1. Thanks Vikki. I do enjoy making the mess and not bothering to clean it up.

  17. These are inspiring ! I need to make something for Much Beloved on Valentines but have been at a mental block as to what to do ! Think I need to break out my Gelliplate ! Ali #20

  18. These are all absolutely gorgeous, Shel! I love all of them! Honestly, I couldn't pick a favourite! Lovely to think of Valentine's day universally like that! Thanks for stopping by earlier! Happy WOYWW!

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa :) I like the one with the 3 hearts the best I think..but they were all so fun to make. Now to get them addressed and sent by the 1st!

  19. I absolutely love your cards and it's so nice to send out to all the people who mean something to you, letting them know you are thinking of them.
    thanks for the visit and happy crafting, Angela x 28

  20. What a fab idea! Those cards are wonderful, I really love your style. It seems to me that we need to shout out about love, I'm fed up with hearing negative, horrible news all the time. Let's spread the love!
    Hugs, LLJ 25 xx

    1. Big hugs and lots of love to you Jan:) Let us start a love revolution!

  21. Hi Shei
    wow you have a lot of valentines I'm sure they will love them..... everyone of them
    janet #19

  22. I LOVE the artsy feel all your Valentine's day cards have because of the beautiful papers you made with the gelli plate. I agree with you, that Valentines should be for ALL your loved ones. Thanks for your visit and Happy WOYWW!

  23. I loVe your Valentines cards - must get to use my Gelli plate again soon! I loved your comment on my blog - all sorts of things have risen to the surface while I've been tidying my room!! Thanks for visiting, Chris 54

    1. Thanks for coming by Chris...I hope you enjoy your new found treasures :)

  24. What beautiful Valentines cards and those backgrounds are to die for, brilliant. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 35
    Happy WOYWW

  25. Those cards are lovely, I really must get my gelli plate out again and start playing. Thanks for visitng me already.

    1. Thank you :) I does a bear get his paws clean of acrylic paint. My paws are hard enough!

  26. Very pretty and unique Valentines!! I love all the shades of color you used.

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #14

  27. Do You believe in synchronicity? I have been contemplating purchasing a gelli plate for months, lately more so. Now I stumble on your blog via WOYWW. I believe you convinced me to make a go of it. Do love the simplicity of the cards. Diane #46 WOYWW

    1. YAY! GELLI LOVE. Yes, go on, join us in Gelli madness :)

  28. Gorgeous and bright I love the colours and you wouldn't just have to give them at Valentines either. I haven't played with my gelli plate this year maybe it's time to get it out again. Thanks for your visit yesterday Anita 66

    1. Thanks Anita..yes pull out that old Gelli plate and have a go :)

  29. Love your bright, happy colourful cards!
    I don't have a gelli plate but have got somewhat similar results with a homemade variation :)

  30. Such wonderful ideas this week using the Gelli Plate. I must get it out and have another go.
    sandra de @43

  31. oh wow Shel! these are just so pretty, love the vivid colours and the way each is unique. I'm inspired! :o) Annie C #61

  32. Wow! Such pretty papers and wonderful cards to have been created from them!

    1. Thank you Jackie...Love to play with acrylic paint and my Gelli :)

  33. Love your Gelli prints, what a striking pink they are! Great cards as a result.
    ~~Happy Valentines to you too - when it comes.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xxx

  34. Very artistic & contemporary. I'm not a contemp kind of gal but I LOVE these. I'd take one and you wouldn't even need to include chocolate :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog. Many of you asked about those moon/ stars stickers on my desk so will share those next Wed. Creative Blessings! Kelly #70

    1. Thank you Kelly :) Yes, I am curious about those sticker and can't wait to see next week.

  35. Love the colors you chose to put together! Each card is different, special and unique. FUN!

    1. Thanks :) Yes, playing with color combos is a fun pastime of mine.

  36. awesome cards Shelli! I love the monoprint cards! I made a gelatine plate last year but haven't used it much so I might have to break it out and play with it later today. I hope you have a great week and thanks for visiting my blog earlier. Vickie #33

    1. Thanks Vickie. Yes, I say get out that plate and see how is goes :)

  37. I'm getting old..i had so much trouble reading the font on your post I had to go find my strong glasses, Argh!! You're a bit of a genius with the gelli plate if you ask me. Love the little touches ribbon, but mostly it's the intensity of colour thwt grabs me, love all the cards.

    1. LOL Julia...maybe I should make my font bigger? Glad you enjoyed the cards and thanks for stopping by!

  38. Hi, I'm rather belatedly returning your visit from last week! Thanks for sharing your vibrant Valentines! I agree that Valentine's day doesn't just have to be about romantic love. I plan to send some cards to our parents & sisters. Happy belated WOYWW. ~ Laura #65


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