Make Your Mark - DLP Week 10

Hello :)

It is a new week full of new prompts and challenges and things to do in my art studio..but I feel BLAH. The Journal52 prompt...use a colorbook page to inspire you. BLAH! The Documented Life Project prompt...use marks and doodling as a layer. BLAH! The Lifebook lesson is going to be fun, but I feel like I need these other two done first :( I am worried that doing art is becoming a JOB! Yikes! But, the bright spot of the week was that my Best Friend Cyn decided to order me art supplies for my Birthday!!!! And..they came I didn't even have to wait until my actual day :) LOOKY LOOKY That isn't all of them..but the two I decided to try out first :) So I went ahead and tried to make my DLP page using marks made with these two products.

First I tried out the watercolors. I had to put gesso on my page because there was a mess splashed over it from last weeks page of shoes. Then, I used the dropper thingy in the bottle of yellow watercolor to make some wet marks on the page. I spritzed it with water and blended a bit with a brush. Then I did the same with the light green color. I spritzed and then moved the book around to let the color run. ran right through the book and into the next five blank spreads ..grrrr... Note to self..get some masking tape for the centers of the pages if you use super wet media...

So I decided I better let that watercolor mess dry and then move on to something else. I had used some of the watercolors on the hearts I was making for last week's Lifebook project and I had some pretty underpaper on my desk from that. So I decided to cut it up and do some collage. I also had this paper towel that I thought was SO COOL. I had used some spray inks and blotted with my roll of paper towel..and the ink absorbed into the pattern of the towel...very cool. So I collaged on some of that as well using liquid matte medium.

Next, I tried out the watercolor dropper again to make some 'stems' for my collage flower shapes. It worked OK, although in places the paper towel bled the color. All this I let that dry.

Then, I decided to try all the colors of my new Posca pens. Those of you who read my blog know I constantly used the black and white Posca pens. LOVE THEM!!!! I used them on virtually every project I do as a finishing touch. I have that same nice matte paint pen in colors :) So I was in doodle heaven! 

This project turned out pretty Spring like. I guess I am in the mood :) Hope you enjoyed it.
<3 Shel


  1. I did! I did enjoy it! {LOL} Sorry for laughing but you did make it sound funny and that's a good thing. {smile} The end result is beautiful. I guess you really are in the mood, and that's quite an accomplishment in itself for February!

    1. Thanks Nannie :) There are spring flowers out so it must be getting there. I know so many people across the country have had it with that dang snow everywhere!

  2. It sure does feel like spring, Shel !!! My favorite time here in the desert - when all those wild flowers are blooming , the fragrant citrus in the night air, the desert abloom with colors!!
    Nice friend!!!

    1. Thank you so much Sylvia. It is my favorite too. The night blooming jasmine in the backyard smells so nice right now!

  3. Even when one is in a blah mood, the muse can send spring - love it!

  4. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! And that's exactly what you did! This piece is as refreshing and cool,as a nice tall glass of lemonade? Are you a full time artist Shel? Or at least on a design team? I'd be surprised if you're not. You do beautiful work!

    1. Thanks for your nice comments! I do art full time..but don't make money at it..does it qualify? lol I am not on a design team..but plan to apply for some when I have the time to do so..I will work for free art supplies!

  5. So what are you going to do with those next 5 pages of yellow? I'm laughing as I this is something that would happen to me. Am intrigued with these water colors. I have been longing to learn how to hand watercolor black and white photos. I looked up those pens, found a lantern project using them I might want to create. Thank you for sharing the info about them.

    1. Well I did the next page in the book...and was mostly able to camoflage the darn color...but grrr... I think handcoloring black and white would be super fun. I wonder what type of paper it needs to be printed on..hmmm..more research! :)

  6. So colorful and such a strong suggestion of spring! As always, I enjoyed reading through your process. .


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