My First Radiant Face - WOYWW #300

Hi Friends :)

Congratulations to Julia Dunnit over at Stamping Ground for having 300 successful link parties on her blog! That is quite an achievement. For those of you who have never heard of What is on Your Workdesk that link above and check out the tons of desks all over the world that you can snoop on :)

Now for my desk today. I have started a new class..I know I do I keep it all straight?! Well, the class was on SALE from Effy Wild...She was re-releasing it so it was at a lower price then before and I couldn't resist.  Also, I love her style! The class is called Radiant Faces and has Effy, as well as 8 other artists, giving a lesson on how to make a face painting.

I have completed my first lesson! Believe me that is something to cheer about...I put it off for over two weeks. The lesson was by Jane Davenport and I was SERIOUSLY intimidated... The painting she did was totally it took me awhile to even try. The lesson was in depth... it took Jane 5 separate videos and  PDF to teach it. So even just watching it took awhile. Then, there is a part two for each lesson where we get to watch Effy actually do the class ...which is really cool. You get to see a 'teacher' not have the same materials, make mistake and correct them, etc.. she cuts nothing out! The lesson was on using a source material as inspiration. Jane chose several Master works by pre-Raphaelite painters with a 'nymph' sort of look. Ethereal... sad looking... long haired women. Realistic oil paintings... these were what we were to use for inspiration. The piece I chose to be inspired by was 'The Martyr of Solway' by John Everett Millais. Here is my version of just the face.

To start out we were to do a pencil sketch that is looking at just the shapes formed in the face. Next a colored pencil sketch on a prepped paper. So these are my sketches.

Source painting

Then we were to delve into our actual painting. I was so SCARED to try this! I procrastinated like crazy. Then finally I started with a sketch using a prismacolor pencil in burnt sienna.

I can't really give you a step by step on this painting it would be LONG and also I got too wrapped up in it to even stop for many photos. However, here is one somewhere in the middle..about when I said to myself...I need to throw this thing away and forget about it!

But I soldiered on..and finally finished it. I hope you can see where I was trying to go. A pensive and longing look on her face. Please be kind...this was HARD! I am no master that is for sure :)

<3 Shel


  1. Go Shel! Glad you were brave and went for it. It looks good. C

  2. i think it looks great :) well done you for being brave and trying something new :)
    happy WOYWW
    Love Mrs.C.xx

    1. Thank you :) I am glad I tried. Of course I see a bazillion things needing correcting :P

  3. What a great class! You are a much braver soul than I, of course I'v admitted openly that I can't even draw stick figures properly! I think when you get all done with the class you will be so happy you stuck with it! Looking forward to seeing what masterpiece you create for next week.


    1. Thanks Diane :) I think the class will turn be fun for sure!

  4. I think you really captured the pensive look, and look of longing. And I think you did an amazing painting. Good for you! I know it's difficult to paint faces. I've tried a few myself, and was never happy with the results. Being brave enough to try is difficult and be very proud that you didn't throw your work away but shared it in spite of your nervousness. You did good, girl!

    1. Thank you Nannie :) Face are tough for sure! I can do the whimsical ones but trying to paint like a master was a stretch for me...maybe in 10 years! lol

  5. My eyes can not believe the word I read here. .. you scared? ? Oh, to have your fright! ! You are without a doubt, a most gifted artist! ! Every item you present for viewing is truly a gift to us all. Tis a beautiful inspirational piece you chose, and one you honored in multitude.

    1. Ah are so swee!. I am scared ALOT. I am proud that I do keep things now..I seriously used to pitch stuff in the bin before I even gave it a chance..LOL

  6. Love this beautiful face - she looks so mystical!

  7. Hi I'm trying to visit everyone on this special WOYWW. Wow re your painting - how I wish I could do that! Anne x #38

    1. Thanks for stopping by Anne :) I will pop over and see what you have been up to :)

  8. Your painting is so beautiful. Happy WOYWW #300! Sandy Leigh #58

  9. Shel after seeing your's I'm sorry I didn't sign up for that class when she had it on sale. You captured what you were going for she's wonderful

    1. Thanks Sueze. I bet she will have it on sale again...go for it!

  10. Awesome painting! Thanks for sharing!
    Gabriele 26

  11. It's EASY to be kind to you about your beautiful face painting, Shel! I'm so glad you persevered to discover just how much raw talent you have for sketching, coloring, and then fleshing out the expression with your paints. I'm no artist, but I would give you an A++ for this one!! Happy 300th WOYWW!! Thanks for visiting me! Hugs, Darnell

  12. Happy 300th! Thanks for visiting me. Don't worry about the jam-there's another attempt in the offing. Thank you for sharing the construction of your portraiture. I used to love plotting out a face in stages. Time I had another go! Lucy #6 x

    1. Happy 300th to you :) I am glad your are trying the jam again and I hope to see your face drawing :)

  13. OH. MY. GOODNESS! This is absolutely stunning and if this is your FIRST attempt, you are being Waaay to critical of your own work Dearest! Great JOB ... and I had the absolute pleasure of spending five days with Jane Davenport last year while both she and I were students with Ms. Christy Tomlinson, and she is the most genuin, down-to-earth person and I just loved hanging out with her. I learned so much from just watching her paint, and her wonderful energy truly does come through on her videos! I have been thinking about Radiant Faces, but thought I might have a lot on my plate right now, but seeing your first lesson makes me think that I may need to come play along!!
    Scrapbook Lynne #79

    1. Thanks Lynn :) Yes, I have been told more then once I am too hard on myself..I know I am not the only one though LOL You are so lucky to have taken a class with Jane as well as Christy! I would LOVE that.

  14. I think she is fantastic and it was very interesting seeing the various stages. Well done you for getting past the mid point when you weren't happy with it!
    Happy 300th WOYWW,
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xx

    1. Thanks Jan <3 Yes, the hardest part is resisting the bin toss!

  15. I couldn't do anywhere near so well! thanks for dropping by my desk Helen #5

    1. Thanks for the return visit. I am sure you could do a great face!

  16. many thanks for visiting earlier - you have done a brilliant job on your face = well done you for just having the courage to try - and on top of that it turned out really well - it does capture the slightly melancholy mood you wanted just fine ! Ali #21

    1. Thanks Ali :) As I look at it more tacked to the wall..I think she does look a bit sad.

  17. wow. radiant indeed. i'll have to keep this class in mind for my future adventures.
    Happy 300 WOYWW.
    Pat #83

  18. Hi Shel happy 300th WOYWW, thanks for visiting. WOW first effort fabulous, you should be proud. RobynO#14

  19. I don't know why you were scared Shel! This is wonderful wonderful wonderful! Great job! Happy 300th WOYWW! patsy

    1. Thanks Patsy :) It is scary to try but rewarding when you see these bazillion positive comments!

  20. Dropping by to say hi and thanks for visiting. Wow, you did such a good job with your painting!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS@11

  21. Faces are really tricky.Good on you for having a go and being quite successful.Well done!!
    Judy #9

  22. You continue to amaze me. Good for you in tackling your fear and stepping out of the box..out of your comfort zone. She's beautiful. I think you should be proud of your first effort at face painting. I am proud of you! <3

  23. Thanks for visiting me yesterday.
    How wonderful to be able to create something as beautiful as that. Well done you for persevering.
    Annie x #22

  24. So impressed. Makes me feel like I abandoned drawing (I am totally rubbish at it) too quickly. You show what hard work and perseverance can accomplish. Well done. She's lovely.
    Have a Happy WOYWW day!
    Mary Anne (8)

    1. Thank you Mary Anne :) It is never to late for you to give it a go again :)

  25. GREAT JOB!! Faces are one of the hardest things for me to draw, maybe I should take this class, or one like it....grin
    Thanks for the comment you left this week.
    Krisha #2

    1. Thank you Krisha :) yes, try the class...this is a good one!

  26. I think your work is brilliant I love it and faces are so hard to paint let alone draw, so you go to the top of the class. thank you so much for visiting last week I am sorry i didn't get back to you until now, life is really hectic to say the least. Keep up the good work with the painting and I look forward to seeing many more faces.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda #89
    Happy 300th WOYWW

    1. Thank you Eliza and your darling kitty! Yes, life is hectic for sure!

  27. She looks great glad to see you didn't toss her away. Paintings never look right half way through them and you've done a wonderful job here
    HAPPY WOYWW 300 hugs Nikki 1

    1. Thanks Nikki...I know what you mean! The amount of layers it takes to make skin and you put the darks in and you are 'OH NO" but then it works out LOL

  28. Hi Shel
    Please be kind? Are you kidding .....Your picture is seriously good..... Unusual expression but who wants to be bland...... Love it
    Thanks for your visit
    Janet @16

  29. Such a gorgeous portrait! Loved the step by step description.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW #23

    1. Thank you for the kind comment Beverley..and the return visit :)

  30. Well Shel, there is only one thing I have to say about your work from this class and that is "it is amazing". Well done you! Love it - look forward to your next class.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  31. Wow go for it girl! I can't imagine ever having the courage to try painting people!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4


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