First Video for Pick A Stick Challenge Collaboration

Hello Friends,

Recently I have been delving deeper into the Youtube art community and I have discovered the most popular trend right now is collaboration. There are hashtag events, virtual art crawls, swap video hops...all sorts of things people are doing together to make creative content for Youtube. Joining up with some of these collaborations really makes my heart happy! I am very isolated in my studio. Some might say I am a hermit :) I don't go out looking for other artists, although I have heard there is a large artistic community where I live. I have had some rather negative experiences with groups in real life. So being able to safely reach out to others on the internet from behind the screen appeals to me.
Some of you may remember that I played with a few of the people from the Kraaft Shaak design team in November doing a art journal page with a video everyday for the NaNoJouMo challenge. National nonstop art journaling month. Well, these three creative ladies and I had so much fun that we decided to continue our collaboration for the 2016 year.We made up a project called Pick A Stick Challenge. We each made a set of  popsicle sticks with prompts/steps on them. Directional ideas that tell you what to do next. Then we decided we would pick 10 sticks on the first Friday of each month of this year, then produce a video using the 10 steps on a art project to release on the last Friday of each month. We opened up the challenge to whomever wants to play along by making a Facebook group people can join.
The challenge is for any media. You can make a art journal page or a canvas or a 3D piece. The only rule is that you have to do all the steps, and in the order they were picked. Other then that..everything is open to interpretation. For example, this month one of the steps was 'add gears'. This can be actual metal gears glued on, stenciled gears, gears made of tin foil, pictures of gears, paper gears, anything you can imagine is fine. Just have fun using the inspiration of the 'fate picked' prompts to make your art!
So without further ado...what a funny phrase that is! Here is my project for the month of January. The steps/prompts were...

I chose to do an art journal page. When I saw 'use gears' followed by 'add a verse from a song' my idea became to do a homage to a band called Imagine Dragons and their song 'Radioactive'. My interpretation of the song is that it is a call to wake up and see what our lifestyle is doing to the environment. So my page is grungy with a rusty iron gear as a fading sun. The sun is over a cityscape full of tall buildings. Just for fun, a dragon is perched on top of a tall building overlooking the city below. Although I don't LOVE  how the page turned out this month..I did learn a lot of things about new mediums. And I think it says what I meant to say :)

Here is the video of my process from my Youtube channel.

I hope you like my project this month for our Pick A Stick Challenge. Perhaps you will join our Facebook group and play along next month :)
<3 Shel


  1. Way to go, love it Shel!! And love your interpretation of that song! Just so you know, that song is stuck in my head now! LOLOLOL Love the coloring, that cool dragon and your sun for sure! :)))) Blessings

    1. Thanks so much Felicia :) I do like the colors as well...that tokoyo spray color is very pretty. Just struggled a bit with not thinking things out before hand. I guess that is what the challenge is about LOL

  2. Wow lots of steps and faith with this one Shel!
    This came out great! xo

  3. Great process video, Shel! I like how you annotated the points of the challenge. I had no idea how you could start with the title and work your way around it, but you've shown me how! Love the dragon!


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