Tag it Tuesday and a Bit of Time Travel...

Hello Blog Friends :)

It is Tag it Tuesday at my friend Sheri's blog BLOG LINK HERE so of course, I am sharing my tag with you today....or well actually last week.... but yes today :) The theme for March is based on a Pantone color called Green Flash.  Maybe that is how I time traveled..in a green flash! But seriously..we will get to the art first and I will share my nonsense later! Oh and be sure to make your own tag and link up to the party! Here is my tag...a leprechaun girl. I mean..March and green? What else would it be :)

So now back to my nonsense :)  As you know if you follow my blog, I have been pretty focused on my Youtube channel. I can't help it...people keep subscribing! I am nearing 1000 people...1000! I mean..really that is just CRAZY. I only started the channel 5 months ago. Being me.. I worry about providing a good channel with decent quality art and videos. I worry about consistency and posting in a regular and predictable way. I worry about everything they tell me to worry about!!!!  I am going on a trip for a week. (Well, actually I am already there) So, how do I provide my consistency and good quality art if I am not home???? I can't really time travel! The answer is...planning ahead. Oh NO! I am terrible at that! But, amazingly...despite all of it....I have managed to make this tag, video and blog post and schedule them to publish while I am away. I have actually made three pre-scheduled videos and plan to make three more before I go where I already am now...HAHA! Time travel,,see? 

<3 Shel


  1. Beautiful tag amazing work and hands...who needs them right ???hahahaha

  2. That green goes so well with the orange! You're doing amazingly well with your YT channel, Shel. I can only imagine how much work goes into it!

    1. Thank you +Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith :) yes the channel is going surprisingly well... I went over 1k subscribers while I am on holiday. If someone asked me how I would have no answers lol

  3. The luck o' the Irish to ya Lassie! a mighty fine tag you ave there!

    1. Aye top 'o the morning and have you some green beer today Jackie :)

  4. Thank you +Susan Salyer :) yes hands are the bane of my drawing lol

  5. Well you have done it again my fine friend! I LOVE THIS TAG SHEL! You are such a talented and creative lady! Blessings to you lady! :)

    1. Thank you Felicia and right back at you :) I saw your gorgeous tag too!


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