Index Card A Day Challenge

Hi Friends :)

It must be time for a update on what I am doing. I just got back from a terrific trip to visit my friend in Oregon. We went to the coast for several days and then to Portland. So much beauty to see in Oregon that is very different from what I see here in my beautiful desert. Every time I am coming in for a landing at PDX I am looking out the window and saying to myself  'Dang! it is so GREEN!' Tall pine trees and flowers and water everywhere. It is a fantastic and refreshing break for me to renew and recharge. When I returned on June 1st, I discovered it is time for the Index Card A Day challenge. I have never tried to do this one...but did research it when I was curious about why people call index card art This year, I am going to do it! It should be do-able right? Of course I really stink at following through with these long challenges. Have you been wondering where all my 'Color Me Positive' art journal pages are? Probably the same place half of my 'Daily Life Project' pages went last year..LOL. BUT..I did very well with National Non-Stop Art Journaling Month' in November last year. I made a page every day and even made a video everyday! For a Well, this challenge is sort of similar. There is a commitment to make art on a Index card everyday for from June 1st to July 31st. It is two months long...but they are much smaller bits of art. So, I am going to do it! I will make videos as well..but not every day. Maybe every 3 days or something. I am unsure at this point. So to kick it are my first 3 days of ICAD :) If you would like to play along with me and many many other people..visit the website for DaisyYellowArt.

Day #1 -  I am using 3" X 5" standard lined index cards. I will be punching a hole in the corner and then putting them all on a big D ring thingy I think. I wanted a sort of kick off cover one I did this tree with little pink letter birds :)

Day #2  -  I was drinking a Diet Coke in a can and was inspired by the odd color combination. Red, Purple, and Lime Green swirls on the silver can...with a little white and black thrown in. So I decided to make my card those colors. I played with some new stencils and added some Tim Holtz tiny  words.

Day #3 - I was thinking about the kick off of the America Cup. This is a soccer tournament in Latin America and this is it's00th year running. Pretty impressive I thought. For me..this means...the TV gets taken over by the huge soccer fans in the house. Want to watch HGTV? Forget about it! Soccer Soccer and more Soccer is all that is on..LOL

So I will try to keep you apprised of my progress with this challenge. Both here on my blog and in videos on my Youtube channel. Wish me luck..or better yet..join me so we can keep on track together :)
<3 Shel


  1. Keep it up. Love seeing all of your art. I hope Oregon can help bring you some great inspiration. 😎

  2. Shel.. I Love this (grin) - Your post, your life update and your ICards!! I had not been aware of this challenge until now and it totally resonates with me... I might just have to play along. I especially love how you are sharing the inspiration behind each card, it gives me such a lovely peek inside your art brain. and I just HAVE to share with you that spending a week in the Oregon coast making art with like-minded people is one of my bucket list items... Don't you think that would be a wonderful way to finally meet? just SAYIN' ... Big GIANT Smile

    1. Thank you Lynne :) I hope you do play along..a good way to just get a bit of art in each day. And yes..I TOTALLY agree a art retreat to the Oregon coast would be a FANTASTIC way to meet! Perhaps we should plan that.

  3. Lovely ICs Shel! I've done similar sizes - I think it's a good format - bigger than an ATC but smaller than a journal page. Do you ever get tempted to do more than one a day? That way you would have some to fall back on in case you can't do any on some days. I would definitely cheat like that! Good luck with the challenge! I'll check back later to see how you're getting on!

    1. LOL..I have done that Zsuzsa! I get on a roll and just create several..then if I miss a day who knows? lol


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