Welcome August :)

Hello Friends :)

So August has arrived. It is so fun here in Arizona in the Summer. Lots of bright sunshine, hot weather, outdoor time and pool time. Some might say it is TOO HOT but not for me..a true transplanted desert rat! The Summer is also monsoon time here in the desert and we have had a record amount of rain this year. Storms every afternoon that sweep in and dump a ridiculous amount of warm water on your head in a few minutes...then sweep back out. The cactus are fat and happy and everything is greening up. LOVE IT! Dance in the rain I say!

So since I last posted I have been having a major studio overhaul which has slowed down my video production a bit. But I do have some fun projects to share as always :) I am moving from my tiny hidden closet studio to a bedroom my kid vacated when he moved 4 hours away for college. The new space has so much..well..space! But I am torn and twisted feeling moving in there because its HIS room and I don't want him to think he can't come home. I am doing it though. If he does need to come back..I can move it again.  For more about the studio and upcoming plans on my channel...a Vlog is up.

This is the full color version of what I put on the front of the Vlog. It is the second of 6"X6" canvases I am making for my 6,000 subscriber give away on my Youtube channel. It is the culture of Youtube to celebrate milestones with give aways so that is what I am doing. So if you have not yet come over to the video side and subscribed to my channel...do it soon :)

Here is the first 6"X6" I did and I still have 4 more to go before I make the announcement to comment and become eligible for the drawings.

Other fun projects I did in the last month.... A few pages in the traveling art journals I have been getting in the mail for the #CCBtravelingartjournalproject. 

This desert scene one was so popular people were asking for prints. So, I went ahead and opened a Society6 store and added it. Since then I have added a few more products with other art I have done and scanned. You can see what is available to order here - 

Our Pick A Stick Challenge is going like gang busters over on Facebook. There are two challenges with prompts monthly. One is a 10 step prompt challenge for a art journal page (the original) and we also added a 3 step prompt challenge for a artist trading card. I have been doing my ATC challenge as a Facebook Live video in the group each month. Here is July's ATC.

The art journal page is a regular speeded up video like I make normally :)

So I hope this gave you a quick overview of what I have been up to..artistically.
To see more art I have made into video form...pop on over to my channel at

Hope to see you there!
<3 Shel


  1. Your work is always so bright and colorful! Love this!! And your journaling page!!


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